Using Condoms If You Have Phimosis

Phimosis, a condition in males, happens when the uncircumcised foreskin cannot be pulled backwards over the penis head because it’s too tight [1]. For most males, it’s not possible to fully retract the foreskin until puberty.

This can happen naturally or as a result of scarring due to an infection or forcefully retracting the foreskin during sex or bathing. This tightness can lead to pain during sex or difficulty when passing urine. Keep on reading if you want to know about using condoms if you have phimosis.

First, let’s look at when the phimosis condition is a problem.

This condition is not normally a problem if it’s not linked to symptoms such as swelling, soreness or redness. If a child has inflamed and sore glans (penis head) he might have balanitis [2]. In addition, a thick discharge might be under the foreskin.

When both the foreskin and glans are inflamed, this would be a condition called balanoposthitis. A doctor should be consulted if these symptoms arise. In most cases, balanitis can be managed easily with good hygiene, ointments, creams, and avoiding substances which irritate the penis.

Sometimes balanoposthitis can be treated if you follow simple hygiene practices, such as washing the penis regularly with a mild moisturizer or soap and water to keep the penis clean. Anti-fungal cream or antibiotics might be required if it is triggered by a bacterial or fungal infection.

Immediate treatment will be needed in instances when phimosis leads to problems, which include difficulty urinating.

Phimosis can be linked to sexually transmitted infections in adults at times. It can be triggered by many different skin conditions as well including psoriasis, eczema, lichen sclerosus, which is a scarring of the foreskin and glans that is probably triggered by urinary irritation, and lichen planus, a non-infectious rash that is itchy.

Other treatment for phimosis includes topical steroids including gel, cream, or ointment with corticosteroids [3]. These will help to soften up the skin on the foreskin to make retraction easier. Surgery might be needed in situations where an adult or child has persistent or severe balanitis or balanoposthitis that cause the foreskin to become painfully tight.


If all the other treatments fail, circumcision, which involves surgical removal of the foreskin, might be considered. However, this option comes with risks such as infection and bleeding. This is why it is recommended as the only and best option at times but not the first line of treatment.

On the other hand, surgery might be possible to release adhesions where the foreskin is stuck to the glans. [4]

Using Condoms If You Have Phimosis

Everyone is encouraged to use condoms during sex, including persons with phimosis, to lower the risk of sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. When the foreskin is pulled back for a condom to go on the penis, this will maximize free foreskin movement during sex to enhance the sensation.

You can roll down the condom over the foreskin if phimosis is preventing you from pulling the foreskin back. Moreover, the sensation and pleasure can be enhanced during sexual intercourse if you add several drops of a water-based lubricant to the condom, both inside and outside. [5]

Once you put on a condom properly, squeeze the tip to remove air bubbles and roll it all the way to the penis base, whether or not the foreskin is pulled back.

This should not increase the likelihood for slippage or breakage. Slipping is normally a problem if a male has problems to maintain an erection or if the condom he’s using is too big.

When it comes to all sexual matters, experimentation and practice can help you to get more pleasure. There will be no need for you to wait on your partner as you could try different condoms on your own by retracting the foreskin partially or completely with or without some extra lubricant inside or outside. In the end, it will come down to what feels right to you because everyone is different. You are likely to have a much safer and better sex life if you have a good understanding of your body and the things that you like.

The phimosis condition can lead to a number of infections all because it might be difficult to keep the penis clean. The same issues can arise if you have the condition and want to engage in sexual activities.

It is highly likely that semen or other bodily fluid could get trapped beneath the foreskin to cause some form of infection. You have a greater chance of developing an infection with phimosis [6], so it is important to use condoms at all times.

If you’ve reached the stage where you and your partner want to have children, you can speak to a doctor. If it is just about the regular sex, you should not hesitate to wear a condom. If you are like some males who experience numbing in the foreskin, then it will help if you use sex jelly with your condoms.

Overall, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor if you need information about using condoms if you have phimosis.



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