After great sex, you realize something horrifying– your partner’s condom got stuck inside you. If this happens, keep calm and don’t panic. This is actually a common scenario and happens to a lot of people.
And the situation can be rectified easily, too. Here are a few methods you can try to get the condom out safely:
The Lie Down Method
You should lie down on the bed, facing up, and then spread your legs apart. If there are no traces of the condom outside your body that you can carefully pull out, you have to feel it inside and take it out slowly.
Take extra care so no part of the condom breaks and stays inside the vagina as you do this. Know that if this happens, you will have to see a doctor to help take out the remnant.
Another thing you can do if you are having difficulty removing the condom is simply trying to squat it out. If you aren’t able to get the condom out by lying down, try this squatting technique.
Plant your feet flat on the floor and use your quads to squat down in hopes of getting the missing rubber out of the vaginal canal. The change in position might cause the condom to come out easier if it isn’t lodged too far in there.
Get Better Access
If your partner’s condom comes off inside of you, it most likely is lodged near the top of vaginal canal near the cervix. In order to gain better access, trying propping one foot up on a chair and using your fingers to retrieve the condom. Don’t forget to wash your hands first, then stick your fingers inside and feel around to see if you can reach it.
You can also try maneuvering your legs to push it out if you can’t seem to reach it. Some recommend getting into the birthing position and actually pushing as if you’re birthing a baby. It sounds silly, but it’s effective and much better than a trip to the emergency room.
Ask Your Partner to Retrieve It
It might be embarrassing, but your partner might be in the better position to fish the condom out than you. His fingers might also be longer, which will work better if you just can’t seem to reach it.
What Next?
If you have succeeded in taking out the condom, be sure you cleanse yourself well and immediately take a morning-after pill.
This will decrease the possibly of you getting pregnant, as the contents of the condom could have slipped out while stuck inside you. There’s a huge possibility that semen has gotten out. Don’t take any chances.
What if you STILL can’t get it out?
If you run into any difficulty in removing the condom after several attempts, it’s time for a doctor to do it. Drive to the nearest hospital’s emergency ward and tell the attendants the situation.
Keeping the condom inside you for hours could lead to possible infection. If all attempts are made and you still can’t get it out, you must seek the help of a health professional.
A Condom slips from a man and ends up stuck inside a woman because it’s either too lose or too tight. Prevent this from happening again by wearing the kind of condom that fits your partner perfectly. Getting the right one is definitely the first step to enjoying deep intimacy together.
I had sex wth my patner in 3hours tym by mistake it slip out and she went home wthout taking it out im worried abt after efect plz can u help me
ouch! you have to get it out. she has to visit a health professional if the condom is still inside. don’t risk it!
I had sex and the condom got stuck but nine hours later I pee it out then four days later I had unprotected sex with another man and he came inside me and now I’m five months pregnant how do I know who baby it is without taking a DNA test
A DNA test is really your only recourse. There is no other way of knowing who the father is. You could’ve gotten pregnant either time since both times were basically unprotected. A word to all young women: protect yourself, no one else will. NEVER have unprotected sex with a man who is not your husband or at the very least your monogamous partner. Now that you are pregnant, please keep yourself and your unborn child safe by always using a properly fitting condom. I wish you all the best in this.
um usually you should be able to tell whos baby it is as you are pregnant for nine months unless you have early pregnany so who ever you had sex with prior to nine months you should be able to tell.
Usually you don’t have multiple guys coming inside you within 4 days of each other. If you do, the father could be any of them. Do you rea
lly need to know who the father is? Just have it aborted. The world is overpopulated already and unless the father is a rocket scientist, you aren’t contributing to a better world by pumping out even more mouths for other people to feed.
I had a vasectomy as my contribution to a sustainable world (my DNA is not so special the species needs it). You should consider having your tubes tied for the same reason, then only your life will be affected by who you sleep with.
People are fricken horrible!! Have it aborted!! And because the world is overpopulated!!
U get pregnant, take care of your baby or put it up for adoption!
I miscarried my son and would do anything to have him…as well as manyyy women out there!!!
stop being a hoe.. duh
Stfu don’t call her a hoe. You probably don’t know who ya mama ks
Lol I agree
Don’t be a hole u dipshit leave your god damn opinion to your self serious I hate assholes like you
Your an ass hole for one grow up, abortion ain’t the only option grow up and grow some fukin balls
god damn you hoe dafuq you are play girl or something get a real man or husband don’t change people as clothes if you really love do it with him not for your pleasure get some respect to yourself …
My partner and I had sex this morning and I didn’t realise until about 2 hours later that the condom had slipped off and got stuck inside me, I felt a bit sore because it was my first time and then I went to pee and the condom came out. Should I still go to the doctors? Oh and I also have the implant in my arm.
what implant are you referring to?
did you take the morning after pill? I’d suggest that you talk with your doctor ASAP
If your on the implant then it’s fine. I was on the implant for 2 years with no condoms used as the implant is safe by 99.9% and one of the contraceptives with the highest rate of not being pregnant.
This week I noticed I was itchy but didn’t think anything of it, and I had sex with my boyfriend. But after we had sex I started to feel a slight burning and it hurt to pee. A day later I was peeing blood and it hurt very bad, so I thought it was just a UTI and drank lots of Cranberry juice but then I noticed that There was pink and red discharge in my underwear and a slight smell and it was still very itchy … I went to go see my doctor but they are fully booked for the next 2 weeks and all the walk in clinics are closed until the times that I start work. Today I went to go to the bathroom and I pee’d out a condom but I’m not sure how long it’s been in there for !! I’m very scared and worried that I have an infection, what do I do ?
I had sex and while we finished we noticed the end of the condom inside of my vagina. It has half in and half out. We took it out and noticed no holes. Could I be possibly pregnant
Did you ever find out if you were pregnant ? This happened to me to about 2 weeks ago, but I got my period 5days after the condom got stuck halfway.
I am 6 months pregnant but have not been in a relationship with the father for just about five months. I am in a relationship with someone else and I always make sure we use condoms. (Even tho I am alredy pregnant) but last night the condom went missing. . this morning when I went pee the condom came out all balled up. . I’m worried if I could get an infection from it being in there all night? And what kind?
considering you’re pregnant I would highly recommend that you talk with your gynecologist.
especially, if you’re feeling any burning sensation or itching down there
I had sex with a sugar daddy who drives a very nice car so the condom stuck immediately when he cum out of me but not stuck deeply and when I take them the sperm also came out so I’m stressed that there can be any infection like hiv help im scared 2 go 4 testing.
there’s always a risk, especially if the semen was left inside. I’m sure there are anonymous tests in your area, google it online. go and test yourself so you would have peace of mind
Helo mariam, your scenario is just like mine,I got in Love with a man who drives Avery nys posh car with money, we made Love, the first time it went well,the other time when we met,the condom broke without either Of us noticing till he noticed when he was pulling out,I took pep Now one month down the road,what I think we can do z test for any STDs /HIV after one three months to be so sure,its the courage we need to have to face our challenges o problems ,and prayers first
Since he drives a nice car, I wouldn’t worry about it. If he had a Kia, I’d see a medical professional.
I recently had sex with a condom 8 days before my period was due. I then found the condom inside me 2 days later, covered in blood. Since then I have been bleeding. Is it likely that my period has just come 6 days early or could the condom have caused the bleeding? Thank you!
Hi , the presence of the condom is not the bleeding. but maybe the spermicides or latex irritated your cervix.
If after your period you still experience random spotting or bleeding. Please have a physician taking a look, it will identify the cause or reinsure you that everything is all right
Good luck
After making love with my boyfreind i discoverd the condom has slipped inside me. what do i do please
i had sex with a guy on 19th september night, and today on 23rd sept while peeing the condom came out. we used 3 condoms one got burst, but we had no idea this was inside me. i am going to doctor tomorrow, but i am really scared. I experience no pains or anything, but I’m scared of being pregnant.
well, if the semen got inside you there’s a pregnancy risk. it depends whether this was during your fertile window (you didn’t specify when you had your last period…). good thing that you got an appointment with your doctor, he will be able to give you the best suggestions
I discovered a condom inside of me this morning! And I have already set up an appointment with my gyno, but I don’t know if its been there for a week or 4 days because I had sex with 2 different men within that time frame. In other words, I don’t know rather the condom slipped off with the first or second man. I want to confront the one who didn’t tell me as soon as he noticed the condom came off. But I don’t want to confront the wrong partner. So how do I ask without accusing the wrong guy?
hmm, this can be tricky…ask them if they noticed anything strange last time you had sex, you felt different…and see how they react and try to figure out if they’re honest…
You should tell both of them that you have sex with a lot of men, and if they can’t keep track of their condoms, they’re likely to get a nasty STD. As for getting notes on anything unusual that happens during your casual sex encounters, try keeping a log book next to the bed and have them sign in, then make notes if anything felt unusual or if anything went wrong. That way it will be a lot easier to track down the problem in the future.
I’m a little nervous. Me and my lover had sex and the condom got stuck. We got it out but it was bunched up. It was all on one piece. I’m close to my period and idk if any left the condom and got in me. What do I do? Will condoms that have spermicide on them kill whatever might be inside?
were there any semen inside? spermicide is not totally effective…I wouldn’t completely rely on it…get yourself tested…
I’m not sure if it’s too late for a day-after pill, check out with your gyno
I cheated on my bf 4 days ago so 2 days later while we were having sex the condom came out….. I didn’t know it came out and the guy didn’t say anything so what do I do from here
was there any semen inside the condom?
I suggest you buy a pregnancy test and get yourself tested
I’ve been having sex with a woman for about 2 months now, we have recently been having unprotected sex. During foreplay recently, I felt something like a ring inside of her.. I pulled it out and it was a condom. It was a type that her and I never used. She swears that this condom had to have been lodged inside of her for at least the last 2 months or longer. Is this at all possible?? By the way, she is a physicians assistant and she has been to the doctor for a sonogram for something unrelated a few weeks ago. Wouldn’t the condom have been detected? Please help me to understand.
Hi, well … we cannot look for noon at 2 O’clock … it is possible but with regular periods, the condoms should have been normally expulsed with the flow … with 2 months meaning 2 periods … you figured like I do that, it is giving 2 chances to have it taken out naturally, with the gravity and the menstrual flow. Condom not detected at the echogram, fair enough as it was not what they were looking for. But between you and me … you should fist of all get a doctor appointment for IST test as this condom was worn by someone else then you … and you dont know what it was containing, second , she should do the same … As of when it occurred .. this is between you and your girlfriend to HONESTLY discuss the issue, as you will have always a doubt that she might have multiple partners, while being with you ….
Good luck
It doesn’t seem possible, but you say yourself you’re having sex with “a woman”, not you have a girlfriend. So, you’re having sex with “a woman” and so are other guys (probably just one, but who knows). At least she tries to make them wear a condom, but when the condom ends up balled up in her, she’s getting barebacked and the guy probably knew it and didn’t say a peep. Can you tell the difference when a condom comes off? To me it’s like showering with clothes on versus naked. The guy was having a great time bare inside the woman, and didn’t tell her. She’s probably still seeing him, and he probably still shoves the condom up to the end so it comes off. Wear a condom, or you’ll get whatever he has.
Man u are cracking me UP!!!
23 days! !! I had previously read forums about can you tell if a condom is inside you. After sex 23 days ago a condom came off so we used another but the condom that came off wasn’t anywhere to be found. He searched inside me, following day i did, just a bit paranoid i checked again but nothing. My period came on yesterday and this morning a condom came out!
I already have a clinic appointment to rule out infection. Would rule out pregnancy a) because it was starting sex so no cum yet b) my period just started
But worried about infection the condom plastic could have caused. Doesn’t seem to be any info on here just a lot of reassurance similar thing has happened with regards to it coming off and staying inside. Totally freaked. Em
Hi ,
what a story ! But Your periods started, if an infection occurred due to the presence of that condom you would experience fever and sharp pain …. As soon you trust your partner, my main concerned would be more sexually transmitted diseases … have a check up done by your physician that will reassure you that everything is fine ! That will make you a story to tell to your future teenage girl, when you will have one !
Me and my boyfriend had sex and the condom got stuck inside me . We didn’t know where it was and realized it was inside me . His sperm was still in the condom but a little bit was inside me. I’m panicking ! I don’t want to get pregnant !
I’m in the same boat . This guy I’m not with . Him and I had sex on the 10th of October , he came inside the condom, I could tell the change in the feel of it , you know ? And he pulled out and was looking for the condom, it was stuck inside me . I’ve been on birth control for 5 months And it’s the pill. I take it at the same time everyday and don’t miss it !! I got off my period early morning of the 6th. I don’t know if any sperm got inside me or not? He got it out in one piece. My doctor says I should be fine . That the pill 99% effective so hopefully in not .! I should be on my period in the next few days ! Fingers crossed for me !!!
Hi me and this guy had sex and everything was going good until he came. He pulled out and he started to act different and rushed to the bathroom so I sat up wondering what happened and he said ” I lost the condom.” So we looked hopeing it was on the bed than we both looked at each other and I checked myself and pulled out the condom it was still in one piece with the semen still held in end. And It was only in there for a little while and the outer ring was hanging out of my vag. I didnt feel like any semen spilled out but I’m still freaking out. I really need some answers
when a casualty like this happen, you have to take an emergency birth control, in order to trigger your period right away, this birth control can be taken out the pharmacy the pharmacist is obliged to prescribe it to you , this medication is effective only if it is taken up to 72 hours after unsafe sex; earlier you take it more chance you have to prevent a pregnancy. If you did not had time to do that … well track your next period and test yourself if you run late. Also, you can visit a family planning clinic that can guide you into solution , in case of pregnancy and to help you to prevent this situation to happen again .
Good luck
Last night my boyfriend and I had sex and I felt uncomfortable cause I kept hitting my head so I told him to stop thrusting and slide out of me so I can move into a better position. When he slid out, we realized that the condom wasn’t on him anymore and immediately I checked myself to see if the condom was inside me. It came out of me in one piece but there was cum at the end of the condom. I told my boyfriend not to worry so much but he was freaking out. I don’t take birth control and I didn’t take plan b or any other pills. What do I do? I don’t have any money to buy any of these things and I don’t want to tell my parents
okay I had sex with my boyfriend and a condom got stuck inside we couldn’t find it for a few hours and later on the day I have gotten my period and I’m bleeding way heavier than I usually do is there anyway I can be pregnant please help me I’m freaking out!!
Hi , if your period triggered the same day you stuck a condom inside … the odds that you are pregnant are very minimal
Good luck
I was having sex last night and after my bf came the condom was missing. We look all over but couldnt find it. We think it might be inside me. I did pee the same time but nothing came out. Im very worried, please help.
I’m freaking out, i had sex twice and both times the condoms got stuck it’s being a week and they still there , and I don’t really want to see my ginecologist cause she is my husband friend and both accidents was not with him. there’s some product or any who can help at first before plan B.
well, you really have to see a gynecologist, can’t you go to different one? also, it seems that your partner has a problem with condom slippage…please read this post for some suggestions
Me and my fiancé had sex last night I just got off my period 2 days ago (tech. 3) and the condom got stuck and we caught it like 3 min after we realized it wasn’t on him. The end of it was hanging out and I had cum on the left side of me not in me just on the side idk if any got in me could i still get pregnant?
You have 72 hours to take the emergency birth control, starting at the moment of the incident. as soon you have unprotected contact there is always a risk of pregnancy.
good luck
I’ve been on Ginnette contraceptive pill for 6 months ( from Feb – July). I recently had unprotected sex with my boyfriend but I didn’t take a morning after pill afterwards cause I heard that once you’ve bn on Ginnette it’s impossible to get pregnant cause it takes a while for the ginnette pill get out of your system. I was wondering if there’s any truth in that.
forget what you ”heard” if you don’t have it from the mouth of your physician or your pharmacist. It is normally recommended to wait 3 cycles to try to conceive after stopping any birth control pills, but as soon you are out one of them, the following cycle is unprotected and you can conceive.
Good luck
Hey, I recently had sex with my girlfriend, she was on her last day of her period, I pulled out before I came to realise the condom was missing, I realised it might be inside her, sure enough it was, and got it about about 5 minutes after i realised I had lost it. She went to the chemist and bought the morning after pill and took it maybe 3 hours after it had happened, it’s been exactly a week since it happened and we are both stressing out that she is pregnant because she hasn’t got her period yet. If she took it on the last day of her period should it then start again in a few days? Looking at getting a pregnancy test at the end of the week. She isn’t on any kind of birth control.
You did exactly what you needed to do, finally !!! taking an emergency birth control pill as early as possible after the incident is a wise decision. As she just finished her period it is fully normal that the pill did not trigger any period … there was no endometrial tissue to dismantle anymore. Relax the odds that there is pregnancy on the way are very very minimal, but the stress you encounter can delay the next periods … Try to take it easy and if the next cycle gets late, take a test, with the first morning urine, it is the most reliable
Good luck
So my boyfriend and I had sex. We used a condom, but halfway through the condom broke, he noticed and pulled out right away. However a small piece was still inside for about 15 minutes and it wasn’t the tip. He also didn’t cum inside me.
Is there still a chance of pregnancy?
Hi , the pre-cum contains spermatozoids so yes there is a risk of pregnancy, that is why emergency birth control exist and are effective when taken within 72 hours of the incident. Earliest it is taken, better it is.
Good luck
Hi I had sex last week and we realised the Condom was gone we thought it had just came off in the bed, so we put another one on, and we realised it had gone again after we finished i found a condom inside me and took it out I then took the morning after pill the next morning then realised I had another one inside me could there still be chances of me getting pregnant ?
good thing you took the morning after pill! the chances of getting pregnant also depend on where were you in your cycle. but no matter whether you were fertile or not the chances are drastically reduced as you took the morning after pill on time
Well I don’t know if I’m pregnant I had sex a week after my period and I’m sixteen with my ex boyfriend condom slipped off twice while inside me and he managed to get it back on while in intercourse my parents don’t know he came over during break its my second time having sex and it got stuck inside of me while pulling out and he pulled it out of me we had sex for over a hour and some of his cum spilled inside of me and my couch I didn’t clean my self up after that and I didn’t get the morning after pill I take birth control as in the pill so what’s the likely hood of me being pregnant?
you still have time to take an emergency birth control, don’t wait you have up to 72 hours following the incident to do so. See your pharmacist he can help you. And please, a condom that slips should not be use a second time, and a condom that slips twice shows that you 2 are not using the proper size. Please be more careful especially at your age the last thing you want is an unwanted pregnancy.
i had sex with my boyfriend on the 1st but both of us were drunk and did not notice the condom came off or was inside of me but when i took the condom out the next day there was semen in it and the tip of the condom was the first thing that i pulled out like it was inside out but not totally sure could this been my juices or his?
Hi , you cannot take for grant that there is no semen inside you, I hope you took an emergency birth control pill, as now it is too late, you will have to hope your next period will come.
Good luck
My partner and I realized very shortly into intercourse that the condom had slipped off. Thinking nothing of it, we put another one and continued. The next morning I used the bathroom normally not noticing any difference whatsoever. Shortly after, we had sex again, using again another condom. It was not until later that day that I actually found the missing condom inside me!! I checked the condom to make sure there was not any sperm inside but am unsure. We used a condom containing a spermicidal lubricant. I ended my period just a few days who and told my partner of my situation although he does not seem worried. Should I be?
sooooo i had sex w my ex and the condom got stuck inside of me… its been 2 months maybe.. and ive had my period … i just found the condom lastnight .. could i be pregnant?
Hi , I can reassure you that if you kept getting your period on time, you don’t. If it happen again, please have an emergency birth control pill taken to trigger your period to avoid pregnancy.
The condoms slipped when he tried to come out.but it was stuck outside my there any danger.there was still semen on it,nothing on me
hi my girlfriend and I had sex today I wore a condom but then when I pulled it out it was gone and no where to be found she said it’s not inside her but it could be I know I ejaculated a lot which was not smart of me but more than likely it leaked out we went immediately to go take the before and after pill and she took it but if the condom is still stuck in there can she still get pregnant even after taking the pill
The hormonal pills annihilates the possibility of the pregnancy, but it won’t stop the infection created by the condom presence inside of her body. I hope you removed it quickly soon after, because it will definitely induce the infection.
I had sex with my bf tonight and condemn got stuck inside. We got it out & took the pill as well but I am not sure if I will be pregnant. On 01st may my periods got over.. so I am not sure about it..
I think that you are completely safe because you are nowhere close to your top fertile days plus you took a pill. I think that in your case that will be quite enough. That is, if you have average and normal periods. If you ovulate each month in a different time span than I don’t know for sure. But I think that you are quite safe. Just to reassure you: many condoms have a spermicidal lubricant to disable little swimmers just in cases like this.
Hello… Last week me and my husband noticed that after we made love the condom that we were using was not on him. We searched the bdrm and no sign of the condom. I searched inside me, just like mentioned I lied down face up and spread my legs and began searching 4 the condom but no sign of it in my vagina. I’m worried that it’s deep in inside me and I have no insurance to go to the DR. I took a BC that same night cuz I don’t want to risk getting pregnant. Plz help and I appreciate your time.
Hi Samantha. If your husband was absolutely sure he was wearing the condom when he entered you and it is nowhere to be found inside your room then it is possible it may still be inside you and you are unable to reach it. The condom may have slipped off inside you and as a result, the thrusting motion could’ve pushed the condom further. The birth control pill may have helped if you were taking them for quite a while. However, please be aware that birth control pills do not function the same as after morning pills which is an emergency contraceptive. If that was your first pill, you are still at risk for pregnancy. Please go to the hospital and seek medical help as it is not safe for a condom to stay inside you.
Hi i had sex last year and i realised that the condom got stuck in me after 4 days when i tried to remove it it refused. I stayed with it up to date it can’t get out. was hoping that would tell me if any tabs that i can take to remove it out because it inches a lot and I fear going to the doctor. Pliz help am in a traumatic situation
Moreen, you have to see your doctor as soon as possible!
Hi my boyfriend and I had sex while on second day of my period . We realized after we were done the conom ripped the ring stayed on his penis and the rest I couldn’t find nothing left ? But the next day I did see a clot of blood and my period ended way earlier . Does that mean I can get pregnant ?
Hi, me and my boyfriend had sex 3 days ago and he came in the condom, when then he realized when we were almost done having sex that the condom came off after he came. When I pulled the condom out, the tip of the condom came out first then the end of it did. For sure he came in the condom but by the time we were done and I pulled it out there was not come in the condom. What are the chances of me being pregnant? Its too late for me to take a plan b and I refuse to abort my child.
Your chances of being pregnant depend on whether you were ovulating at that time. You need to determine the first day of your last period as well as the number of days in your cycle. Enter this information in the menstrual cycle calculator and see if you were fertile at that time.
i was due on my period but i was late which was normal for me to be a few days late,so me and my boyfriend had sex,when the condom split he knew it had,so we went straight to get the morning after pill, levonelle step one,but when i got home i found part of the condom inside me with a little pre-come,could any help me? can i re-take the tablet?
Today a condom fell out of me. My boyfriend and I haven’t used a condom in over 2 months, and I most definitely haven’t been with anyone else. I’ve been reading online that its impossible for one to stay inside you that long… but thats what happened to me. How could this of even happened? I am going to make a doctors appointment tomorrow. But, my boyfriend is questioning my loyalty and there is no doubt that the condom was his.
Hi CKCL, Maybe the condom got stuck before you and you boyfriend decided to have unprotected sex. It is possible for a condom to be stuck a while in fact some don’t even find its way out and a doctor would take it out.
I’ve had sex with my ex about 3 months ago & remember the condom we used got lost and we couldn’t find it anywhere so just today I found it inside me, ive had my periods normally and I’ve also had several partners after him (all unprotected after) so I know it was that condom, but should I be worried about anything?
Hi,I had sex with my boyfriend on 2nd october And didn’t realize that a condom slipped off my vagina not until on 8th October when I Was peeing and a tip of a condom came out of me,am very scared cause I don’t know if another piece of it is still remaining there,please help me.How can i tell That part of it is Remaining or I just had that Same piece which came Out and can there be any effects being that I last had my periods the previous month on 17th sept.
Hi lisa, this is a common problem lots of women face normally it doesn’t cause for concern but to make sure all is removed you should visit your doctor.
My partner and I were having sex when it got stuck and we got it out almost immediately, and it came out facing the same direction it went in. He really had to dig in there to get it, and the days following I’ve been bleeding. I just finished my period two weeks ago so I was thinking it was left over blood from my period? But I think it’s too much, should I be worried about pregnancy?
Hello,If he ejaculated inside the condom when it got stuck its possible you could get pregnant as for the bleeding you need to go to the doctor to make sure he didn’t hurt you while taking the condom out.
I am a guy and i just found out that condom is stuck in my butt for 3 days and it’s still there. what do i do?
get it out as soon as possible. you might need to visit a doctor
me and my partner had sex and when we finished and he pulled out, the condom wasn’t there. we are very concerned if it’s stuck inside me cause we looked every where in our room and on our bed and under sheets and it’s not found. we tried several attempts to see if i feel that it’s inside me and try to get it out but no luck. I really don’t know if it’s in me.
well, it’s really hard to tell from what you wrote. I suggest that you speak with a doctor about it
How rare is it too still get your period, or as it has been noted, “breakthrough bleeding,” and still be pregnant?
I feel it’s a slim chance i could be. Never had unprotected sex between my friend and I.
One month it got stuck in me.. Then another
4-5 weeks later it happened again.
1st time. It was really up there. For prob 10 min cause we were searching and couldn’t find it. He did finish. There was a lil cum on the bed. Like a small spot. Rest def got in me.
2nd time wasn’t in all the way. But close. and not for two long. But i felt the cum near my vagina and backside and thighs.
I had sex with my boyfriend and the condom came of inside of me. i didn’t realise this for hours until i peed and wiped there was no cum in it. could it came out inside me and whats the posibility of pregnancy? I’m on the pill but it was my fertile day
I had sex with my friend on 10th August but in the process of changing position we realized the condom was missing. We looked for it but it was nowhere to be found. The only option was to check inside me. We tried but couldn’t find it. Next day we went to a doctor who examined me. They said it was not there. Using their tools,they could not find the thing. I am so worried I don’t know where the rubber went . Please help.
Hi there Irene Uganda!
The condom might be stuck inside you deep upwards. You should get a specialist help ASAP. It needs to be removed by a doctor, otherwise you risk infection if menstrual blood/discharge cannot escape. Hope this helps!
I recently had a condom get stuck inside of me after having sex. I managed to get it out within minutes but I am worried that I am pregnant… but then I am not worried because my period started literally the next morning. Should I be worried and take the morning after pill or being on my period eliminates the chances of me getting pregnant?
Hi there Melissa!
If you got your menstrual period, then you are not pregnant. Regards
I had sex with my boyfriend two days before my fertile period and the condom got stuck in there I found out in four days time. could it be I am pregnant already?
I need help.
I recently met a young lady and we ended up having sex with a condom. She put it on and I did not watch her do it.. When we were finished and I went to take it off I found all that was remaining was practically just a ring. That was our first time together and I didn’t know what to do so threw it in the bin.
I didn’t say anything to her. But am really worried right now. I have made an appointment with a sexual health clinic this week. I felt that having recent results before speaking to her would help. But that will take seven days. I have been reading up on split condoms and I feel the longer I leave this the worse things could get.
I’m afraid this is too much of a terrible start to the relationship.
Should I bring this up? And how can I do it?
oh, I think you should have told her :( the condom might have ended inside her. besides an STD, there’s also a risk of pregnancy. I’m not sure how much time has passed since the incident, but I think you should tell her. I really don’t know what would be the best approach, but if you don’t want to be completely open about it, maybe introduce it in a more subtle way, eg. how you feel the condom broke that day and how you should take steps to make sure you’re both safe… I think she would appreciate your honesty! good luck man!
Hi. So I just had sex with my boyfriend and the condom got stuck really far up there. I got it out but when I got it out it was empty. When I was 14 I crushed my ovaries and doctors said I can’t carry past 6 months. But I’m still worried. How long do I wait to take a test?
they usually recommend taking it 7 days after the missed period date